Diamond Star

Privacy Policy

Effective Date: [Date]

Thank you for choosing Diamond Star Group of Companies ("DS," "we," "us," or "our"). This Privacy Policy outlines how we collect, use, disclose, and protect your information when you visit our website or engage with our services. By accessing our website or using our services, you agree to the terms outlined in this policy.

Information We Collect:

1. Personal Information: We may collect personal information, including but not limited to, names, contact information, and other details voluntarily provided by users through our website or during business interactions.

2. Automated Data: We may gather non-personal information automatically, such as IP addresses, browser type, and device information, to enhance user experience and improve our services.

How We Use Your Information:

1. Service Delivery: We use the collected information to provide, personalize, and improve our services, ensuring a seamless experience for our users.

2. Communication: We may use your contact information to communicate with you, respond to inquiries, and provide relevant updates about our services.

3. Analytics: Non-personal information helps us analyze trends, track user behavior, and enhance the performance and functionality of our website.

Information Sharing:

We do not sell, trade, or transfer your personal information to external parties. However, we may share information with trusted third parties who assist us in conducting our business, as long as they agree to keep the information confidential.

Data Security:

We implement security measures to protect your information from unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction. However, no method of transmission over the internet or electronic storage is completely secure.

Your Choices:

You can choose not to provide certain personal information, but it may limit your ability to engage with our services or access certain features of our website.

Changes to This Policy:

We reserve the right to update this Privacy Policy periodically. Changes will be reflected on this page with the updated effective date.

Contact Us:

If you have questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy, please contact us at info@diamondstarfzc.com. By using our website or services, you acknowledge that you have read and understood this Privacy Policy and agree to its terms.


We are looking forward to hear from you

Diamond Start